Remember our FAQ Card values, points, and contracts? If you are the attacker, according to the number of oudler(s) you have in your hand during the bidding phase, you must estimate cumulate the number of points you can accumulate (on a total of 91 pts):

  • Without oudlers: 56 points are required.
  • With one oudler: you need 51 points.
  • With two oudlers: you need 41 points.
  • With three oudlers: you need 36 points.

The more oudlers you have, the fewer points you'll have to accumulate to succeed! 

Note: If you manage to steal one of your opponents' oudlers, it will then be in your hands and reduce the number of points necessary to fulfill your contract.

At the end of the round, the points contained in the respective levées of the attacker and the defense team are added separately and written in the scorecard, following this formula:
(25 + Extra pts + Petit au bout) x Contract multiplier + Poignée (if announced) + Slam (if announced)

  • If the attacker makes exactly the number of points necessary to fulfill their contract (according to the number of oudlers in their hand), the bid is "Juste fait" (just made);
  • If the number of points is superior, the additional points are winning points;
  • If the number of points is lower, the number of missing points is lost points since the contract has failed.
  • Each defender scores the number of points previously calculated, in negative if the taker wins, and in positive if the taker falls.
  • All bonuses if announced but failed are malus in case of defeat.
  • In the case of the Petit au bout, if it wins the last trick, 10 extra points are added. They are multipliable according to the contract. If the last trick is lost, the other team wins the bonus.

The sum of each hand, and the sum of the totals after each hand, must always be equal to 0.

The attacker wins a Guard with 49 points, holding 2 oudlers, presented with a Poignée of 10 trumps, and led the Petit au bout in the winning last trick.
He scores: 49 -41 (41 being the goal because he owns 2 oudlers) = 8 pts + 25 pts + 10 pts ( for the Petit au bout) = 43 pts x 2 = 86 pts + 10 pts ( for the Poignée) = 96 pts
👉  ((49-41)+25+10)x2+10=96

Important: The Chelem (Slam)! To make a Chelem (Slam), the player must take every Levée (trick) in the round! The attacker must announce it after taking the Chien. If fulfilled, the attacker will gain a bonus of 400 points. If a Chelem is made without announcing it, they gain 200 points. If it fails, it costs 200 points to the announcer (malus).

Below, you'll find a Table summarising the points and bonuses 👇

Summary of the points


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Enjoy playing Tarot Fun and Friends!