As in any card game, the dealing of the cards at Tarot must follow some rules.
The dealer will give the cards 3 by 3 counterclockwise. At the end of the deal, each player should have (depending on the number of players):

  • 24 cards at 3 players variant,
  • 18 cards at 4 players variant,
  • 15 cards at 5 players variant.

At the discretion of the dealer, they will form the Chien by placing cards one by one, face down in the middle of the table. The amount of cards in the Chien varies according to the number of players as well:

  • 6 cards at 3 players variant,
  • 6 cards at 4 players variant,
  • 3 cards at 5 players variant.

In each round, the dealer changes following the direction of the game.

Once the players have looked at their cards, then the bidding phase begins. There is only one bidding round, so each player can only speak once. The first player to speak is the player on the right of the dealer:

  • If the player passes, the next player speaks,
  • If the player takes, they announce the contract (see the FAQ Card values and contract),
  • Players can outbid on a contract, as long as they have not already passed. They must request a contract higher than the one requested by the previous player,
  • Players preceding or succeeding the taker can simply pass,
  • If everyone passes, a new dealing phase begins and the dealer becomes the one player on the right of the previous dealer.

Did you take a contract? Congratulations! You are now the Attacker and your only goal is to fulfill your contract. They are still some important information that you should know about. Let's read our next FAQ: Playing your cards.