The actions or behavior we consider abuse in our game include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Account abuse
  • Game refund abuse
  • Chat abuse
  • Payment refund abuse
  • Emoji spamming/abuse
  • Insulting and/or abusive naming (e.g. political statements, etc.)
  • Insulting and/or abusive profile pictures (e.g. political statements, emblems, etc.)
  • Abuse via Customer Service (insults, hateful or, xenophobic or, pornographic or, racist remarks, etc.)
  • Abusive use of game mechanics

If you would like more information on this topic, we can contact our Customer Support by clicking on the Settings icon (with the 3 lines) at the top right of the screen, then on the “Help” button ". You can then open a conversation by clicking the bubble 💬 in the upper right corner.

Enjoy playing Tarot Fun and Friends!