To begin with, here is a summary of the game and its different variants! 

The French Tarot is a trick-taking strategy game (like Belote), played by 3, 4, or 5 players. Each variant has its specific way of distributing the cards, creating a Chien, or scoring a Poignée.
The 3-player variant:

  • Each player plays for himself.
  • Cards are dealt 4 by 4.
  • Each player has 24 cards in their hand.
  • Chien contains 6 cards.
  • Poignée: 13 trumps (Simple), 15 trumps (Double), or 18 trumps (Triple).

3 players

The 4-player variant:

  • Each player plays for himself.
  • Cards are dealt 3 by 3.
  • Each player has 18 cards in their hand.
  • Chien contains 6 cards.
  • Poignée: 10 trumps (Simple), 13 trumps (Double), or 15 trumps (Triple).

4 players

The 5-player variant:- The attacker plays with an unknown partner against 3 players.

  • Cards are dealt 3 by 3.
  • Each player has 15 cards in their hand.
  • Chien contains 3 cards.
  • Poignée: 8 trumps (Simple), 10 trumps (Double), or 13 trumps (Triple).

5 joueurs

In addition to these changes specific to each variant, the rules of the game are the same for all of them! Now, let's discuss the aim of the game in the next FAQ.