• Affranchir: Knocking down the cards with a high value to make low cards or trump the highest ones left in the game.
  • Appel aux Rois (Call to Kings): In the 5-player mode of the game, the taker chooses a partner by "calling" a King of his choice, after making his Écart (Asside).
  • Attaque (Attack): When the taker takes a contract, they are in the Attack position and must achieve their contract cumulating a certain number of points, depending on the number of oudlers they have in their trick.
  • Atout (Trump): 21 cards superior to the other suits in the game. A trump card is always superior to cards of another suit.


  • Bouts (Oudlers): They are specific trumps who help determine the bid the taker commits to in that game. These cards, when captured by the high bidder (or taker), lower the point threshold needed to fulfill the bid. These cards can be captured, this will change the number of points to be scored by both sides.


  • Cavalier (Knight): Extra figure placed between the Jack (Valet) and the Queen (Dame).
  • Chelem (Slam): Win all the tricks. To Slam, the taker must announce it after taking the Chien. By taking every trick in the round, players will gain a bonus of 400 points. If a Slam is made without announcing it, they gain 200 points. If it fails, it costs 200 points to the announcer (malus).
  • Chicane: Absence of card in a color.
  • Chien (Dog): Cards dealt separately by the dealer. Depending on the contract chosen, the Chien belongs either to the defense (Guard against) or to the attacker (all other contracts). When it belongs to the taker, the player can use it to recompose their hand and discard the cards of their choice in the Ecart, except when the contract is Guard without the Chien.
  • Chute ou points de chute: Missing number of points to fill a contract.
  • Chuter: Failing a contract.
  • Contract (Bid): Based on the strength of the player's hand, estimated by counting the points and the number of oudlers within it, the player commits to achieving a certain number of points.
  • Contre: For Guard against (Garde Contre). The taker announces this contract when he doesn't need the cards in the Chien. The Chien goes directly into the Defense score pile, without being shown until the end of the hand. The score is counted normally against the target number, but it is worth triple the Guard score (6x the base hand score) to whoever wins the hand.
  • Couleur (Color): Family of cards, for example, ♠︎ Spades, ♥︎ Hearts, ♦︎ Diamonds, and ♣︎ Clubs.
  • Couleur demandée (Requested color): The color of the 1st card played at the beginning of each trick. The players must play a card of the same suit, if possible, or cut a with trump.
  • Coupe Franche (Void): Having no card in a particular suit/color.
  • Couper (Cut): If playing the same suit/ requested color is not possible, the player must play a trump. If a previous player has already cut, other players must overcut by putting a trump higher than all those already played in the trick.


  • Déclarer (Declare): Committing to a contract during the bidding phase to achieve a certain number of points.
  • Défausser: Playing any card different from the requested color, on the conditions of having neither cards of the requested color nor trump cards.
  • Défense: When a player takes a contract, the other players become allies to prevent the taker from fulfilling their contract.
  • Donne (Deal): Card distribution
  • Doubleton: Having only 2 cards from a suit/color.


  • Écart (Asside): Cards puts aside by the taker after recomposing his hand using the Chien. It had to contain as many cards as the initial Chien and must not include any oudler, trump card, or King. In a really rare case, you are allowed to put trumps in your ecart if you can’t put any other cards in it. In this case, you have to show the trumps you put aside to the défense.
  • Entame: 1st card played by the player placed on the right of the dealer.
  • Excuse: The Excuse is one of the oudlers (Bouts). It allows its owner not to obey the rules of the card game for one turn. It can be played at any trick in replacement of any card, either in trump or suit. It has no value and therefore cannot win a trick, except if played on the last trick during a Chelem.


  • Figures: The figures (or Têtes) are the Kings, Queens, Knights, and Jacks of a suit. At Tarot, they are also called Honors because they are the highest cards of a color/suit.
  • Forcer: Providing a superior card to the previous one(s). In Tarot, players are obliged to play a higher trump than the ones already on the table (if possible).
  • Fournir: Play a card or a trump that will either increase the score or indicate what's left in the game.


  • Garde: Name of all contracts above the Prise (Petite). Guard (Garde), Guard Without (Garde sans), and Guard Against (Garde contre).


  • Honneurs: See Figures.


  • Levée (Trick): A Levée is composed of the cards played during each turn, and determines the points made by the player winning the trick by playing the highest card. Also called “fold”, it contains as many cards as there are players in the game. The number of cards in a Levée varies depending on the variant played (see Variantes).
  • Longue (being long in a suit/color): It's having many cards in a particular suit.


  • Main (Hand): Refers to all cards that a player has after the card distribution and the choice of contract.
  • Marque: Score sheet for accounting gains and losses.
  • Misère: On Tarot Classique, we based our rules on the official ones established by the French Federation of Tarot (F.F.T).  Therefore we do not apply the different variations of the Misère, such as "Trump Misère/ Misère d'atout" or "Figure Misère/Misère de figure", which are not taken into account in calculating the score. 
  • Monter: See Forcer.


  • Ouverture: Play in a color/suit that has not been played yet (and therefore cut).


  • Passe (Pass): A player who passes renounces taking a contract or outbidding the opponent. If all players pass, the game is dealt again.
  • Petit (1): The Petit (1) is one of the oudlers (Bouts). It is the weakest of the trumps but played at the last trick, it's "Le Petit au bout", it'll grant the successful player(s) a bonus.
  • Petit au bout: When the last trick contains the Petit (1 of trump), 10 points are added to or deducted from the hand score. The Petit au bout is the only oudlers takeable. The team that wins the last trick containing the Petit au bout, will win the bonus which will be shared if it is the Defense team.
  • Petit Sec:  When the player only has in their hand the trump Petit (1) without the Excuse, it must be announced by showing their hand The deal is then canceled before the bidding and the dealer's right-hand neighbor makes a new distribution. The Petit Sec, if accompanied by the Excuse, does not cancel the deal.
  • Petit Slam: The Petit Slam is to take every trick in the round to gain 300 points or lose 150 points if missed. Unannounced, it's worth 150 points. A Petit Slam is achieved if the taker leaves only one trick to his opponents.
  • Pli (Trick): See Levée.
  • Poignée: The Poignée is a bonus (like the "Petit au bout" and the Chelem). It has to be declared right before playing the first card to get additional points if the contract is fulfilled. To have a Poignée is to hold it in your hand:
    • 3-player variant: 13 trumps (Simple), 15 trumps (Double), or 18 trumps (Triple).
    • 4-player variant: 10 trumps (Simple), 13 trumps (Double), or 15 trumps (Triple).
    • 5-player variant: 8 trumps (Simple), 10 trumps (Double), or 13 trumps (Triple).
  • Prendre (Take): Set the contract value and commit to succeed. The player who has taken is called the "Preneur" and must achieve a minimum number of points, according to the number of ends in his game. See Déclarer.
  • Preneur (Taker): A player who has taken a contract and plays in Attack.


  • Singleton: Having only one card of one color/suit in your hand.


  • Têtes: See Figures


  • Valeur des cartes (Value of the cards): Cards are divided into two groups: "counters" (figures and oudlers) and "ordinary" cards. Their values go from 0,5 to 4,5 points.
  • Variantes (Variants): Tarot can be played with 3, 4 or 5 players. The same rules apply, only the number of cards in the Chien changes.
  • Vingt et un (21): The 21 is one of the oudlers (Bouts). It is the strongest of the trumps.