We know that online privacy and security are important. We want you to feel safe and confident when you enjoy our fan page. But it's true that it's getting harder and harder to separate the real from the fake on the internet.

As the largest online Belote community, we have very engaged users (and we thank you for that 🤩)! Unfortunately, this can attract the attention of ill-intentioned people.

So it's important to be vigilant about two things: phishing and fake accounts.

What is phishing and how can you spot it?

Phishing is when people trick you into giving out your personal details, passwords, or credit card numbers. They often do this by pretending to be part of Belote.com and responding to your comments, particularly in our quizzes and competitions. If you receive any of these messages, please :

  • Read the messages carefully: if you are asked for personal information, do not reply and report it directly to Facebook. You can find all the information you need here 👉 https://www.facebook.com/help/166863010078512 
  • Don't click on any suspicious links, as they could take you to a fake website.
  • Check requests: if you have any doubts about a comment received, contact us directly via the private messaging system on our fan page.

👉 What are fake accounts and how can you spot them?

Fake accounts are profiles created by people pretending to be someone they're not. These accounts send you friend requests or messages by replying to your comments. Our moderation tool automatically filters out these suspicious comments using keywords, but if a message slips through the net, please:

  • Check the profile: look at the profile photo, their list of friends, and what has been posted in the account's news feed. If something seems strange or too good to be true, it could be a fake account.
  • Be careful with friend requests: if you receive a friend request from someone you don't know or are already friends with, it could be a fake account.
  • Report the suspect account to Facebook: you can find all the details here 👉 https://www.facebook.com/help/174210519303259/?helpref=uf_share

👉 Some additional information:

To avoid falling into the traps set by these fake profiles, please note that:

  • If you win one of our competitions, your name will appear in an official publication (always at 9 pm) and we will contact you the next day by private message.
  • We never ask you to click on any third-party links apart from those used to collect tokens on a daily basis.
  • We only need your Belote.com login to credit you with any potential winnings, so we NEVER ask you to register anywhere, let alone give us your bank details!

So together, let's stay vigilant and enjoy our page in complete safety!

If you would like further information, please contact our Customer Support by clicking the bubble on “Contact Us” at the top right of this FAQ, or on the “Customer Support” link at the bottom of the screen. 

We hope you enjoy playing at Belote.com!