We are always working to improve your user experience and the quality of our application. With this in mind, we present to you the Inventory!


🧳 What is the inventory?

The inventory contains boosters that allow you to obtain more packs, increase their rarity, or progress faster in our application, as well as avatar frames to customize your profile.


🧳 Where can you find your inventory?

To access it, click on your profile picture in the lower left corner of your screen, then on the Inventory green button. You can then find all available items there: before items are unlocked, they remain grayed out and indicated as inactive.


🧳 How do I unlock items?

Boosters can be purchased in our store and avatar frames can be unlocked by achieving the different objectives of our League.


Check all the details of this feature by browsing our various FAQs, and of course, if you wish to obtain more information on this subject, you can contact our Customer Support at any time by clicking on the bubble or on the "contact us” located in the upper right corner of this FAQ, or on the “Customer Support” link located at the bottom of your screen.