To improve the quality of content displayed to you in video ads, you are required to update your permissions to share your data with advertising providers by agreeing to our Privacy Policy.

We cannot complete these changes on your behalf or without your permission. Before showing any video ads for the first time, our advertising provider will show a pop-up asking for your consent to receive personalized ads.

By clicking on "Consent" you acknowledge to submit your data (Advertising ID and Cookies) to receive personalized ads.

You can also choose to Manage your preferences and select the data you want to submit. To be sure to see ads, you should select the relevant options as shown in the screenshot below.

Consent pop up

To understand how your data is processed, please refer to our Privacy Policy by clicking this link.

Your viewing preference setting can be changed or revoked anytime through the “Update the ads consent” button in the app's Settings.


Please note that this consent will be renewed every year.

If you would like further information, please contact our Customer Service by clicking on the chat icon “Contact us" at the top right of this FAQ, or on the “Customer Support” link at the bottom of the screen.

We hope you enjoy playing at!