At the end of a season, players finish in one of three zones on the division leaderboard:

Promotion zone:
This zone is present in all divisions except for the Diamond division, the highest division. Players in the promotion zone start the next season in the next division up. This is represented by an upward arrow ⬆ next to their name on the leaderboard.

Safety zone:
Players who end a season in the safety zone stay in their current division when the next league season starts. They are notified of their position and status. A lozenge 🔸 is shown next to their player's name on the leaderboard.

Demotion zone:
All divisions except the Crystal division, the league entry division, have a demotion zone. The players occupying the bottom places of the division leaderboard begin the following season in the next division down. This change in status is notified to these players and a downward arrow ⬇ is displayed next to their names in the leaderboard.
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